Monday, January 30, 2023

Study Notes (p21) Questions 4 & 5 + BITE SIZE (approx 10min)

We have discussed the following in class. Here's a short clip on the explanation (again), which would be useful when you do your weekly homework

Question 4

Question 5

Read the instructions on the 1st column carefully before working on the task.

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Study Notes (p18, p19, 20) - HCF and LCM

As promised during the lesson, here is the worked solution to these questions - for those who have attempted on your own.

👉 Remember: It's always useful to circle the factors that you have identified. It helps when you check your answers (especially if there's any missing factor)

HCF (p18, p19)

LCM (p20)

Friday, January 27, 2023

Summary of Weekly Tasks [T1W4] Find details in your Google Classroom


As we are still warming up to HCF and LCM, you will work on the BITE SIZE tasks (in the next post) to check on your mastery of using the INDEX NOTATION (technique) to find HCF and LCM. 

Complete by end of FRIDAY.

(B)  HW2

In preparation of one of the upcoming topics - evaluating rational numbers, you will be introduced to a new technique (single fractions). You will be handing in the hardcopy on next MON (31Jan) and a short video (≤ 2 min). You will submit the video clip in the padlet below.

Details are already uploaded in the Google Classroom. 

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BITE SIZE: HCF and LCM using Index Notation (est. duration: 5 min)



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These 2 clips summarises how we can find HCF and LCM of 2 or more numbers

Clip 1: Observe what are the factors 'circled' in each case

When we look for Highest common factor, technically, we are looking for the 'lowest' power.
For the Lowest common multiple, technically, we multiply the prime factors with the highest power.

Clip 2: Some of us learnt to find the HCF and LCM using the division method.
The clip attempts to show how these 2 methods (i.e. Long Division method and Index Notation Method) are related to each other - the same thinking behind, though the representation looks different.

Inquiry Task 3: HCF and LCM (Summary) + BITESIZE (flowchart)

You may refer to slide 4 & 5 for the generalisation and explanation

Your BITESIZE task for today is the flowchart - complete it & have it ready for discussion in the next lesson.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

[HW] Study Notes (p3, p4, p5, p6) Characteristics of PRIME NUMBERS through activities

Complete the following tasks on your own. 

Post images of your work (including your responses to the questions) in the Padlets below.

Complete before MONDAY (i.e. 16 January 2023)


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[Bite Size] about BIG IDEAS

Click HERE to complete this task to check your understanding & interpretation.

A copy of your response will be emailed to you.

Complete the task by TODAY

Introduction Lesson

[Announcement] Diagnostic Test for S1-05

Date: 11 January 2023 WEDNESDAY
Duration: 35 minutes

What you need to bring: Calculator

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

[Pre-Task 1] Getting to know Me & Preparation - complete before 9 Jan 2023

1. Getting to know Me
The objective is get to a bit about know you before we meet.
You will receive a handout from your form teacher. 
Complete the handout and hand in to your form teacher the next day. 

2. Learning platforms & channels
When you receive your SST email account (in these 2 weeks)
(a) you will receive an invitation to the Google ChatSpace (accessible via your email account)
(b) you will be able to access the Google Classroom
(c) create a free account with Padlet (

3. Pre-Tasks
(a) Read handout "Learning and Communication Platforms" carefully
(b) Attempt and complete [Pre-Task 2] (that is posted in this blog)
(c) Be familiar with this Maths Blog - bookmark in your laptop or smartphone (if any)

[Pre-Task 2] TED Talk: Why we can't divide by Zero

Have you wonder why we do not "divide" any number by Zero?

  • What I knew before watching the video. 
  • What I learnt about the concept after watching the video. 
  • What new terms (e.g. vocabulary) I learnt from the clip.

Answer the above questions in the Padlet below. 
Read the instructions in the first column carefully.

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