Thursday, July 27, 2023

[HBL Class Discussion] Solving Equations - WORD Problems (p19, Q3)


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Linear Equations [HW1] (Part 2) Articulating the solving of Equations

Refer to the Google Classroom for the complete set of instructions for HW1.
This is Part (2) of HW1

Pay attention to he following when you articulate the solving of the equation:

The marking rubrics

(A) Clarity in presentation of working (max: 2m)
[0] Does not solve equation systematically (e.g. change to arithmetic calculation halfway)
[1] Presentation issues (e.g. 2 "=" on the same line)
[2] Clear and systematic presentation

(B) Answer (max: 1m)
[0] Incorrect answer or when non-exact answer is presented
[1] Correct answer - found through equation solving

(C) Articulation of Concepts (max: 2m)
[0] Balancing concepts not articulated at all
[1] Some appropriate terms are used to describe the balancing concept OR Some appropriate algebraic manipulation terms like "single fraction", "simplify", "expand" are used
[2] Most appropriate terms are used to explain concepts and manipulation

(D) The Product (max: 1m)
[0] Video is beyond 2 minutes. Quality is poor (e.g. voice not audible, what's written is not clearly capture)
[1] Video is kept to 2 minutes (max) with audible voice

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Monday, July 17, 2023

Explaining the "Transformation"

This was posted in the ChatSpace last Wednesday, as a Challenge.
We shall discuss in class :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Algebra (Method 2) Factorisation by GROUPING

We attempted Study Notes (p19) during lesson. 
Here's the set of answers for reference. 

We'll further the discussion in the next lesson.

Click HERE to to view the playlist for a range of examples.

Algebra (Method 1) Factorisation by Common Factors

Watch the following clips

Click HERE to view the playlist for a range of examples

Factorisation by Common Factors: Pyramid Game

As discussed in class: